Convention Corner: Keeping Records and Making Memories
Homeschooling is a journey filled with both requirements and rewards. As parents, we must track progress and maintain records that meet state regulations, but we also want to preserve the meaningful moments that define [...]
Stuck Homeschooling
Secretly, I don’t like homeschooling at the moment (not as in this exact minute “this moment”, but as in this time in my life “this moment”). I’m not sure if it’s this particular season [...]
2024 CHAP Memorial Scholarship Given for First Place
Before and After By Sarah Hamilton, First Place Winner, Leigh A. Genasevich Scholarship My dad stomps into my room announcing that it’s morning, and I groan myself out of bed. It’s co-op day, so [...]
HSLDA: PA School District Violates Homeschooler’s Privacy
We have previously written about our work defending homeschooling families in Pennsylvania from school districts that demand sensitive medical and immunization records. While the law in this area is grey, we can now point to a [...]
Side by Side in PA: The McGrady Family
Parents: Scott and Suzanne McGrady Children: Elizabeth (13) and Luke (11) Hometown: Childs, PA Tell us a little bit about your family dynamics. We (Scott and Suzanne) both [...]
CHAP Legislative Update – January 2025
Reviewed over 402 bills from December 2023 through December 2024 Reviewed over 11 bills beginning January 2025 Pennsylvania House Eleven bills were referred to the House Education Committee. None of these bills address homeschooling [...]
2024 CHAP Memorial Scholarship Given for Second Place
CHAP Scholarship Application Essay By Seth Allen Lanford, Second Place Winner, Leigh A. Genasevich Scholarship As the audience applauded, I walked back to my seat from the drum cage in which I had just [...]
My 5 Big Takeaways from the 2024 Midwinter Conference
As the 2025 Midwinter Conference fast approaches, I was reflecting on what was discussed at last year’s conference. In 2024, I attended my first Midwinter Conference. Not knowing what to expect when I walked [...]
Cultivating Confidence with Homeschool Support
One of the most frightening things about pursuing homeschooling is traveling the road alone. Anxiety and doubt are the biggest joy-stealers homeschooling parents can wrestle with, and they come when we are at our [...]
HSLDA Intervenes Again on Behalf of PA Homeschoolers
“Merry Christmas, Send Us Info, or You’re Referred to the District Magistrate!” On the ninth day before Christmas, numerous homeschool families in Penns Valley Area School District received a letter from the school district [...]
First Day Jitters
I have always been a nervous person. No matter how much I pray and prepare, that “butterfly feeling” is present in my stomach. I will never forget how nervous I was as a child [...]
The Ugly Side of Picture Books
From a young age, children are bombarded with messages vying for both their attention and their hearts. The Cat in the Hat claims, “we can have lots of good fun” and Wild Thing Max [...]
HSLDA: An Update for Pennsylvania Homeschool Families
“My school district is asking for proof of immunizations, as well as proof of doctor and dental visits for my children. What should I do?” Without doubt, this is the single biggest question we [...]
Christmas Box: A Fun New Tradition for Your Family
The holiday season is a magical time, and what better way to kick it off than with a meaningful family tradition? For the past few years, my husband and I have made a “Christmas [...]
CHAP Legislative Update – December 2024
Over 387 bills have been reviewed since January 2024. Pennsylvania House The House of Representatives is in recess until January 7, 2025. Four bills were referred to the House Education Committee. None of these [...]
Center Stage
Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to present creative artwork and photography from several Pennsylvania homeschool students!
Side by Side in PA: The Boozer Family
Parents: Andrew and Jenée Boozer Children: Joseph (5), Hannah (3), Sarah (18mo) and Josiah (8wk) Hometown: Lake Ariel, PA Tell us a little bit about your family dynamics. [...]
Adventures in PA: Take A Ride Back Through Time
The Ma & Pa Railroad ( located at 1258 Muddy Creek Forks Rd, Airville, PA 17302 actually stands for the Maryland & Pennsylvania Railroad. It is an authentic circa 1900’s railroad that originally connected [...]
From Moses to SCOTUS: Journal Traces Foundations of Homeschool Law
Where did the foundational ideas supporting the legality of homeschooling come from? HSLDA Senior Counsel Will Estrada explores this question in the most recent edition of the Liberty University Law Review. Drawing from his experience [...]
Christian Unschooling is Not an Oxymoron
A lot of people hear the phrase “Christian unschooling” and assume it’s an oxymoron. This is because when they hear “unschooling,” they assume “unparenting” — a complete lack of boundaries. Or, in biblical terms, [...]
Homeschool Co-Op Trials: Spreading the Word, The Website & Official Registration
Spreading the word was easy and effective. We had a flyer on the announcement page at church, and I created a Facebook and Instagram page for the co-op. I heard from many families just [...]
Why We Homeschool
Dear CHAP, Thank you for your dedication to homeschoolers and homeschooling! There have been many times I questioned if the next year would be my last year for homeschooling. I now no longer question; [...]
#Field Trip Fails
By now, you might think (thanks to the bias of the internet) that every single one of my homeschool field trips is a smashing success. A magical memory. An internet illusion. So, to dispel [...]
CHAP Legislative Update – October 2024
We have reviewed over 398 bills from December 2023 through September 2024. Pennsylvania House The House is presently in session. Eighteen bills were referred to the House Education Committee. None of these bills address [...]
No Excuses
She was crying again. This time it was about spelling. Last time, it was about math. Before that, it was about writing. It’s always something with her. Her emotions are always at the surface, [...]
HSLDA: Defending Homeschool Freedom in Multiple (PA) Districts
Pennsylvania continues to be a hotbed of extra-legal activity. During the age of sail, the “doldrums” were equatorial waters in the summer when ships would often be becalmed, sometimes for weeks at a time. [...]
School is Back! Getting All Your Ducks in a Row
Whether you’ve been back to school for a while or just started, it is important to start strong! We usually have the most energy when we begin—and it is key for our students’ success [...]
Casting Call: Director Dads Needed
Note from the editor: Dads, don’t miss this piece. I had the privilege of meeting and speaking with Ben at some length at the 2024 Mid-Winter Conference in Lancaster. His message to fathers is [...]
CHAP Legislative Update – September 2024
Reviewed over 376 bills from December 2023 through August 2024 Pennsylvania House The House has not been in session and will reconvene on September 23, 2024. Ten bills were referred to the House Education [...]
Roadmap to Success: Preparing Your Child for a Career in Technology
Curiosity is inevitable in children, and trying to suppress that natural yearning for knowledge is more often than not the wrong decision. There is a very real dichotomy of risk and benefit to technology: [...]
Yes, You Can Homeschool (Keep It Simple, Sister!)
Many Christian parents have ruled out the idea of homeschooling without even seriously considering it. Their expectations of what homeschooling requires – in terms of time, money, materials, and/or knowledge – has intimidated them [...]
Sticks in the Mud: 7 Ways to Get Stuck on Outdoor Education
It used to be all about keeping children clean and safe. All of the guidance to teachers and parents was aimed at eliminating physical risks to children. But then studies began to show that [...]
10 Ways to Keep Homeschool Interesting
Back in the day of sailing ships, sailors dreaded hitting the doldrums. As they were nearing the equator, the winds would often drop, and the sailors would find themselves drifting—no wind in their sails; [...]
Creativity Started At Creation
"Try to grasp the essence of what the great artists, the serious masters, say in their masterpieces, and you will again find God in them." —Vincent Van Gogh Colorful crayons—ramrod straight and pristine in [...]
When My Kids Launch, What’s Next For Me?
I’m in the stage of homeschooling life where my fellow homeschooling moms are chatting and texting with me about the next stages for their kids. My oldest has “launched,” and my middle child is [...]
Vacationing With Children At the Beach
As a homeschooling family, our yearly trips to the beach included much more than sunbathing, playing in the sand, and tackling the waves. We did some fun planning before the trip. Here are some [...]
CHAP Legislative Update – July 2024
Reviewed over 350 bills from December 2023 through June 2024 Pennsylvania House Twenty-two bills were referred to the House Education Committee. None of these bills address homeschooling issues. On June 24, 2024, the Education [...]
Side by Side in PA: The Hameed Family
Parents: Abbas and Michelle Hameed Children: Asher (9) and Grace (7) Hometown: Denver, PA Tell us a little bit about your family dynamics: Something that makes our family [...]
Learning Through the Summer
The following is an interview of David Stelzer by the Old School House. TOS: How do you ensure your children are learning through the summer? David: Children are always learning, and I think we [...]
Homeschooling Over the Summer
The school year is wrapping up for nearly everyone. The weather is warm, graduation parties are happening, and public-school kids are invading the parks at alarming rates. Maybe you have been done homeschooling for [...]
Choosing Your Homeschool Co-op Format
I have felt the leading of God, prayed and waited for answers, and everything is a go. I am set to start full throttle come September 2024 with a functioning homeschool co-op at my [...]
Title IX Ruling Protects Homeschool From Federal Overreach
A federal court of appeals ruling last month protects nonprofits (including private schools and homeschools) from federal overreach in the context of Title IX regulations. Schools that receive government money have to abide by [...]
Convention Corner: Why We Do What We Do
I’ve recently taken an interest in the post-exilic prophets. It is both a saddening and encouraging time in the history of God’s people. A passage from Nehemiah struck me particularly as it applies to [...]
In Memoriam: Those Who Gave All
Every year, Memorial Day is set apart to remember the fallen soldiers of the United States Military. We often spend this day around family and friends, cooking out and enjoying the day off as [...]
CHAP Legislative Update – May 2024
Reviewed nearly 300 bills from December 2023 through April 2024 Pennsylvania House Eleven bills were referred to the House Education Committee. None of these bills address homeschooling issues. Year to date total shows 221 [...]
Convention Corner: Finish Your Year Strong
Over the years we’ve been homeschooling, I have learned there are several ways to finish your year (that is, if you happened to take a summer break). Perhaps you year-round homeschoolers have a different [...]
The Family That Stays Together Stays Together
“You shall love Yahweh your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You [...]
10 Ways Dads Can Help With Homeschooling
I remember watching the Chicago Bulls during the Michael Jordan era. It was amazing to watch Michael Jordan play. He was a dominant force, there’s no doubt. But as good as he was, he [...]
Convention Corner: Grow Your Community
There are many homeschool influencers and experts whom I enjoy watching on YouTube, listening to their podcasts, or reading their books. I’ve gleaned so much information to apply to our homeschooling. I’ve been encouraged [...]
What is Family Worship?
This is the first of a series of articles dedicated to family worship. All Bible verses that appear were taken from the King James Version. Have you heard of family worship? This article will [...]
Trending: More Homeschool Freedom
Some in the national media are calling for increased homeschool regulations. We think that’s a bad idea, and more and more legislatures agree with us. Homeschooling’s amazing growth in recent years has attracted the [...]
Starting IS the Hardest Part!
"But, I can’t homeschool!" I whined to an experienced homeschool mom at church. She smiled sweetly and assured me that the kindergarten level of school only involved learning to read, to write, and to [...]
Convention Corner: The Importance of Gathering
As we celebrated our risen Savior yesterday with our church family, I recalled the Spring of 2020. The shutdown was in full swing, everyone was staying home to “slow the spread,” and churches were [...]
My Journey Starting A Homeschool Co-Op
Starting to homeschool can be a daunting feeling, but starting a homeschool co-op WHILE you begin your homeschooling journey can paralyze you on the spot – which is what happened to me. The funny [...]
Play School
There are so many reasons why we homeschool. Good education, quality time with our children, individualized instruction, flexibility, and even God-centered learning are just some of the reasons that may come to mind. We [...]
What is AI? And Should Homeschool Parents Care?
Let’s take a closer look at how it works. It’s not often that a new technology captivates the attention of the world in the way that artificial intelligence (AI) has this past year. ChatGPT [...]
Adventures in PA: Public Service Field Trips
Most of us are familiar with Firemen/Fire Station field trips, especially since it helps us meet that annual Pennsylvania requirement for fire safety. But there are lots of other public service jobs that make [...]
Convention Corner
When do you like to plan out your upcoming school year? I like to have everything squared away by mid-summer. Typically, that means researching and ordering curricula during late winter and early spring. Few [...]
Center Stage
Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to present creative artwork and photography from several Pennsylvania homeschool students!
CHAP Legislative Update – as of January 2024
Pennsylvania House Ten bills were referred to the House Education Committee. One bill, HB 1904, sponsored by Rep. Joseph D’Orsie, (R) York County, would affect the homeschool community. He attended our convention last year. [...]
Who is Indoctrinating Your Children?
What is Indoctrination, and Do Homeschoolers Engage in It? As homeschoolers, we are sometimes accused of “indoctrinating” our kids. I’m willing to concede that point — or not — depending on what definition you [...]
Side by Side in PA: The Goranson Family
Parents: Todd and Jocelyn Goranson Children: Lincoln (15) and Josiah (13) Hometown: Mechanicsburg, PA Tell us a little bit about your family dynamics: We are shakers and movers. [...]
Good Manners and the Digital World
"Ninety-nine percent of rude behavior can be avoided by thinking before you act. … Manners change, but principles are timeless and eternal," says Daniel Post Senning, great-grandson of Emily Post. In an interview with [...]
Can They Really Ask for That? How HSLDA Gets PA Officials to Stick to the Law.
It happens all across the country. Parents follow the steps the law prescribes for homeschooling, but for various reasons, officials decide it isn’t enough. Suddenly, parents are faced with demands for more—more private information, [...]
The Simplest Best Bible Curriculum for Homeschool Families
The Simplest, Best Bible Curriculum for Homeschool Families Parents are always asking for recommendations about the best curriculum options for everything. For instance, “what is the best homeschool Bible curriculum?” I tend to think [...]
Winter was Created for…Science?
What do Solomon, Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, Anna Botsford Comstock, John Muir, Isaac Newton, Charlotte Mason…and countless other great minds have in common? The Bible tells us that God has revealed himself through his [...]
Homeschooling Parents: You are engaged in important, eternal work.
Life is full of discouragements and disappointments. We often feel keenly how far we fall short in our own best efforts, right inside our very own homes. Please allow me to offer some words [...]
The Meaning of Stewardship
“To the one he gave five talents, to another, two, to another one, to each according to his ability.” (Matthew 25:15) If you are like me, you’ve probably heard a dozen sermons on the [...]
In a Pickle, But Loving It
Pennsylvania is filled with interesting town names. The most popular (and the most laughed at) are probably Intercourse and Blue Ball, both in Lancaster County. In my little neck of the woods, we have [...]
Payments of Gratitude
I homeschool four children, ranging from preschool to middle school. Like most, my children feign starvation in order to escape anything difficult. “Mom, can we have a snack?” “Yeah, we’d work so much better [...]
Who’s Afraid of ChatGPT?
Last winter, the chattering classes were all chattering about this: the online language model that can churn out coherent essays in a matter of seconds. In November, ChatGPT was made available for free on [...]
CHAP Foundation Grant Recipient – Anonymous
CHAP Foundation Grant RecipientProverbs 4:12 brings me to tears and humbles me. It reads, “When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble.”I often lose hope when my [...]
CHAP Foundation Grant Recipient Jessica McManus
CHAP Foundation Grant Recipient Jessica McManus I am truly appreciative of the financial assistance provided by the CHAP Foundation Grant. My daughter and I greatly value education, and we treasure homeschooling so much. We [...]
Side by Side in PA: The Philips Family
Parents: David & Denise Philips Children: Cecily, Nicole & Grace Hometown: Hummelstown, PA Tell us a little bit about your family dynamics: We are a military family. My [...]
2023 CHAP Memorial Scholarship Given for First Place
How Homeschooling Has Changed My Life By Jonathan Rathman, First Place Winner, Leigh A. Genasevich Scholarship I’ve been homeschooled my entire life, and while I often find myself wondering what might have happened if [...]
2023 CHAP Memorial Scholarship Given for Second Place
CHAP Scholarship Application Essay By Magdalena Kehr, Second Place Winner, Leigh A. Genasevich Scholarship Throughout my homeschool career I have had many opportunities both educational and otherwise that have impacted my knowledge and education, [...]
Center Stage
Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to present creative artwork and photography from several Pennsylvania homeschool students!
The Best $2
The collection of tents and general commotion drew our family to investigate what turned out to be the Continental Army, 8th Pennsylvania Regiment. On Labor Day weekend, my eldest son enlisted in [...]
CHAP Legislative Update – as of September 2023
Pennsylvania House The House ended recess on September 26, 2023. On September 19, 2023, a special election was held for the vacant seat in House district 21, in Allegheny County, an overwhelmingly Democrat stronghold. [...]
Many Districts Making Unlawful Demands
Dear Pennsylvania Homeschool Families, We’ve been busy in Pennsylvania! As the August 1 deadline approaches for homeschool families to send in their notarized affidavit or unsworn declaration, we’ve had a significant increase in school districts that need [...]
Adventures in PA: Bubblin’ Crude … Black Gold … Texas Tea
Long before the Beverly Hillbillies was a TV show, Northwest PA was known for its superior crude oil. Pennsylvania was not the first place people found oil. It has been used for centuries - [...]
CHAP Legislative Update – as of July 2023
Pennsylvania House The House is in recess until September 26, 2023. Since our last report, 23 bills have been referred to the Education Committee. There are no bills that should be of concern to [...]
What About Summer?
Rest and rejuvenation. Rejoicing. Recover and regroup. These could all be descriptions of summer break, a change of pace, a different routine. But what can keep learning fresh and active during the summer months? [...]
Side by Side in PA: The Green Family
Parents: Rusty and Lauren Green Children: Miller (11), Hunter (9), and Harper (8) Hometown: Harrisburg Tell us a little bit about your family dynamics. My husband works from [...]
How to do Speech Therapy at Home When You Homeschool in Pennsylvania
Homeschooled kids need speech therapy sometimes too, but do you know where to go to get speech therapy help when you need it? Do you know where to look (besides the search engine on [...]
Adventures in PA: Wildflowers and Homecoming
I spent years believing no flowers grew in the shade because garden centers mainly offer sun-loving ornamentals. This shady stream crossing hints at the diversity of beautiful native wildflowers that thrive in shade [...]
Convention Corner Wrap-Up
The 2023 CHAP Homeschool Convention is in the books. The convention has surely changed over time, but CHAP has never wavered from its goal of encouraging and equipping homeschool families. We are thankful for [...]
All of Life is Education: The Skills that Nature Builds
[Editor’s Note: This article is one of three in a series looking at all of life as education. Daily activities during the months of academic studies and of summer are all building the skills [...]
All of Life is Education: Chores as Skill Builders
[Editor’s Note: This article is one of three in a series looking at all of life as education. Daily activities during the months of academic studies and of summer are all building the skills [...]
CHAP Legislative Update – as of May 2023
2023 CHAP Convention CHAP was honored to host four Representatives: Joseph D’Orsie, Tom Jones, Robert Leadbeter, and David Zimmerman. Also, two district office managers were in attendance. It was an encouraging meeting, and CHAP [...]
All of Life is Education: Field Trips Can Build Executive Skills
[Editor’s Note: This article is one of three in a series looking at all of life as education. Daily activities during the months of academic studies and of summer are all building the skills [...]
Center Stage
Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to present creative artwork and photography from several Pennsylvania homeschool students!
A Renewed Vision for Vocation: A Consideration of the Gap Year
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. On the sixth day of creation, God created man and placed him in the garden to “work it and keep it” (Genesis 2:15 ESV). [...]
Chattin’ with Dr. Kathy Koch of Celebrate Kids, 2023 CHAP Convention Speaker
Ginger Wayde interviews a 2023 CHAP Convention speaker, Dr. Kathy Koch! Read the excerpted interview here then go register to attend convention at Ginger: Good morning, everyone. Welcome. This is Chattin' with CHAP. [...]
Adventures in PA: Field Trips Focused on Service – an opportunity for the entire family
Whether you are a large group, a small group, or an individual family, this idea is worth the time it takes to organize! This past school year, my homeschool group tried something new. We [...]
No More Boring Book Reports: Down with “This book is about . . .”
You know the drill: ________ (book title) is about a _________ (main character) who __________ (central conflict) and discovers that __________ (general theme). I liked this book because _____________ (make up something here and [...]
A Word of Encouragement to Pennsylvania Christian Homeschoolers
As Christian parents or guardians, the Lord has designated you (unless incapable) to rear and teach your children. Each child is a blessing and gift to you and a heritage of the Lord (Ps. [...]
Chattin’ with Rick Green, America’s Constitution Coach and 2023 CHAP Convention Keynote Speaker
Ginger interviews the 2023 CHAP Convention keynote speaker, Rick Green! Rick is America's Constitution coach and has a message of hope and liberty to share with the homeschoolers in PA. Read the excerpted interview [...]
Convention Corner
“Teach me your way, O Lord, and lead me on a level path because of my enemies.” Psalm 27:11 (ESV) When reviewing the theme for the upcoming CHAP Convention, the word level struck me [...]
When You Feel Alone (and You Will)
No matter how long you have been homeschooling, there will be seasons where you feel alone. No matter how many people are around you, or how much or how little support you have, you [...]
Side by Side in PA: The Lerch Family
Parents: Bret and Alexis Lerch Children: Megan and Jimmy Hometown: We’re both from the Elizabethtown Area but moved to Middletown a few years ago. Tell us a little [...]
The Family That Stays Together Stays Together
You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. [...]
Convention Corner
Why do you homeschool? Is it a biblical conviction from the day you first found out you would be a parent? Is it a result of Covid? Is it fear of violence in the [...]
Adventures in PA: Sweet Times on the Ohio
There are many beautiful views of the Ohio River in the area. Last fall, prompted by rumors of an art gallery featuring Impressionists, we embarked on a discovery tour of some Ohio [...]
CHAP Legislative Update – as of January 2023
United States House of Representatives The 118th Congress (2023-2024) Republican leadership has reelected Virginia Foxx of North Carolina as Chairwoman of the Education and Workforce Committee. Other members will be appointed in days to [...]
Center Stage
Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to present creative artwork and photography from several Pennsylvania homeschool students!
Convention Corner
Studying science in the deep, dark cold of winter opens up a whole new opportunity often overlooked by the textbook. While winter often seems to be silent, bland, and dead, the reality is that [...]
When Kids Make Different Choices
In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength. Isaiah 30:15 Planned or unplanned, written or not, we all have goals for our kids. Why do parents do that? [...]
Homeschooling and Civic Education
This past week, I had two encounters that have made me stop to reflect on the value of homeschooling. In the first encounter, I was chatting about education with a friend of mine, who [...]
Convention Corner
By the time you read this, the happy chaos that is Christmas is likely past, and the dreaded winter blues might be settling in. The walls of your home might feel like they are [...]
Adventures in PA: Flood, Folly & Fate – A Visit to Johnstown, PA
We recently visited Johnstown, PA, where we learned about its historic flood. On May 31, 1889, due to a series of bad decisions and unfortunate events, a dam 14 miles upriver from Johnstown failed [...]
Legislative Perspective: Birth Dates and Homeschooling
Unless you are hoping your school district will send your child a birthday card, most parents would be on solid ground politely saying “no” if they demand a birth certificate or birth date. Under [...]
Qualifications and Steps to Becoming a Homeschool Evaluator in Pennsylvania
If you would like to become an evaluator, there are a number of ways to do that listed in the PA Home Education law: Licensed clinical psychologist School psychologist Pennsylvania certified teacher with two [...]
CHAP Legislative Update – as of December 2022
The 2021–2022 Legislative session concluded at midnight on November 30, 2022. Legislation Senate Bill 996, “Act Providing for Parental Rights”, was sponsored by Senator Mastriano. This bill was placed for second consideration. Second consideration [...]
“The Twelve Days of Christmas”: Could It Be a Catechism?
It has long been recognized that a simple Christmas carol has the power to instruct, remind, and inspire. For centuries historic churches have worshipped using a unique holiday service called Lessons and Carols to [...]
The Monolingual Parent’s Guide to Creating a Free Foreign Language Course for their High School Student
I am a polyglot and self-proclaimed language nerd. I am proficient in Spanish, can communicate in German and Brazilian Portuguese, am familiar with American Sign Language (ASL), and know a few words and phrases [...]
Side by Side in PA: The Croad Family
Parents: Jason and Renee Croad Children: Gavin (12), Eli (10), Holden (8), Lydia (6), Joy (3) Hometown: Hummelstown, PA Tell us a little bit about your family dynamics. [...]
Is It a Holiday Activity or Schoolwork? How Our Seasonal Traditions Can Actually Build Executive Functioning Skills
Soon after Thanksgiving, my thoughts turn quickly to Christmas; family traditions, decorations, and preparations could be difficult to balance while still homeschooling well. However, a mindset switch to viewing these activities as educational and [...]
Adventures in PA: The Local Edition
Patrons ride the model train around the Mars Train Station. This summer, we imagined pioneer life moving west with the railroads in Laura Ingalls Wilder's fabulous Little House series. In the ensuing [...]
Ten Easy Steps Make STRESSLESS Holidays
A homeschooling mother has more to do on most days than almost any human on the planet must accomplish. Then the holidays arrive! Disorganization adds stress and frustration to what should be a happy [...]
An Open Letter from the Primary Homeschooling Parent
Dear support spouse, You came home to see me frazzled and asked what had happened. I couldn’t put it into words at this time, but this is what I should have said. A summer [...]
CHAP Legislative Update – as of October 2022
Pennsylvania is in the heart of election season. Our United States Senate race has been described as ground zero for the battle to control the US Senate. A vigorously contested governor’s race, all the [...]
CHAP Alert: Legislative Summary for SB 996
My friends, this is a quick analysis of Senator Mastriano’s Senate Bill 996 that he introduced earlier this year. It was referred to the State Government Committee in the Senate; no votes have taken [...]
Center Stage
Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to present creative artwork and photography from several Pennsylvania homeschool students!
A New Lens for Old Books
Do you know the experience when you sit in the chair at the optometrist, with several little lenses changed in front of your eyes to find the right strength of lens for you to [...]
Doug Mastriano Addresses Homeschoolers with “Your Life Matters”
“Take heart, God has a beautiful call on your lives.” - PA Senator Doug Mastriano Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano and his wife, Rebbie, encouraged a packed room of homeschool parents at the 2022 CHAP [...]
Mommy and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Homeschool Day
I was introduced to the book Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, written by Judith Viorst, and I thought to myself, “Some days really do feel that way.” Then another [...]
Find joy in encouraging others: Be a Mentor
What a terrible week. No one likes their schoolwork. It takes all day. I can’t get a meal on the table. Laundry is piled on the floor. I’ve been a frustrated, mean mom all week. [...]
2022 CHAP Memorial Scholarship Given for Second Place
The essays for 2022 focussed on the students' homeschool journeys and hopes for their futures. Here is the essay of the first place winner, Daniel Parry. My Homeschool Experience By Jacob S. Peters, Second [...]
2022 CHAP Memorial Scholarship Given for First Place
The essays for 2022 focussed on the students' homeschool journeys and hopes for their futures. Here is the essay of the first place winner, Daniel Parry. My Homeschool Experience By Daniel Parry, First Place [...]
A Grandfather’s Personal Homeschooling History
It was 40 years ago when my wife approached me to suggest that we educate our children at home. My response to my wife’s suggestion was surprise because in 1982, homeschooling was virtually unknown, [...]
Adventures in PA: Transit
Trains . . . planes . . . automobiles. If your children are like mine, they have an innate fascination with transportation systems, a fascination that has prompted our latest adventure to learn about [...]
We Pursued the Apprenticeship Option
Our three homeschool-graduate children all benefited from hands-on work in fields of their interest while in high school. They had the advantage of a father that was self-employed in general contracting, but that fact [...]
Middle School Math with Imagination!
Learning new tricks Returning to teaching after ten years of homeschooling was a challenge. The pace was much faster in every way. But the struggle that some students had with middle school math was [...]
Homekeeping Rhythms
Maintaining a tidy and functional home seems almost impossible with children. Years ago, my house was always disgusting. I would clean desperately for hours if I knew someone was coming over, but if a [...]
A Family Shares About Receiving a CHAP Foundation Scholarship
Living in the time amidst social issues and moral decadence creates a worrisome to us as conservative parents. Children are a blessing from God and we as parents are required to steward our role as [...]
Budding Botanists
"We love being outside!" my children exclaimed when I called time to return home after a morning at the local botanical garden. Their declaration would soon prove not only true but impactful in the [...]
Comparison of Home Education Methods
No two home education methods are exactly the same. Below are brief descriptions of a few of today’s most popular home education methods. Enjoy! CLASSICAL (with the Trivium) The classical method of teaching children [...]
Side by Side in PA: The Foster Family
Parents: Tim and Sarah Foster Children: Dulcinea, Lily, Carmen, Samantha (Sam), Jade, Carrie Hometown: New Oxford, PA Tell us a little bit about your family dynamics.We are a second-generation [...]
CHAP Legislative Update – as of July 2022
Pennsylvania Senate Education Committee Read and reviewed 102 pieces of proposed legislation this term. Twenty bills have been submitted to the committee since our last update. One of interest to homeschoolers is SB 1230, [...]
Adventures in PA: A Train Lover’s Delight—Altoona, PA
We recently took a vacation to the Altoona area and visited both Horseshoe Curve and the Railroaders Memorial Museum. I remember being enthralled by Horseshoe Curve as a child—at the sheer size and speed [...]
The 2022 CHAP Convention: A Great Source of Encouragement
We were happy to see so many of you come out to support fellow homeschool families by attending the 34th Annual CHAP Convention. We have heard from many families that it was a blessing [...]
The Prayer Closet: The Sons of Issachar
For many years now, I have been praying that God would make me like the sons of Issachar who understood the times. You can read about them in 1 Chronicles 12:32. I’ve always been [...]
Connections: Snapshots of PA Homeschool Groups – July 2022
“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” – John F. Kennedy Participation in homeschool groups provides opportunities both for learning and leadership. As a new academic year is approaching, read about these four homeschool [...]
Oh yes, we ALL scream for ice cream! This whole story started with a couple of newlyweds who began a marriage in a new town/state, knowing no one. As newlyweds, our jobs led us [...]
Legislative Perspective: The Birthday Lawsuit
A lawsuit over a birthday? A south-central Pennsylvania school district recently demanded that homeschool families submit proof of the age of the homeschooled children. As I was helping the family respond, I checked on [...]
Center Stage
Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to present creative artwork and photography from several Pennsylvania homeschool students!