By the time you read this, the happy chaos that is Christmas is likely past, and the dreaded winter blues might be settling in. The walls of your home might feel like they are encroaching, and the cold outside is bitter. But take heart, precious homeschool mama! Winter is a beautiful time for discovering God’s work in the world as told to us through the art of quality storytelling. Maybe the snowy, cold days are the days you can feel justified in the supposed slower pace that it might seem reading together implies. Whatever the opportunity, use these days stuck inside with your precious students for making some special memories. Snuggle in with a book of an inspiring historical hero, promised after that dreaded math lesson is done and those pesky spelling words are studied. What motivation! Keep down lunchtime grouchiness by reading a compelling missionary biography together. Maybe Dad’s schedule is more open now than during other seasons of the year. Our family has loved reading the Little House and Ralph Moody (edited for cowboy language) series aloud many winter evenings. Use all this extraordinary literature to spawn other fun studies—a cooking unit, a science experiment, or some other hobby you have wanted to try. Put aside the electronic media and video games. Spark mind enriching conversation. READ!

It has been while attending the CHAP Convention in years past that I have encountered many challenging seminars and vendors that spurned our family’s love for literature, for reading about science—inventions, creation, and more—and for seeking to see God’s hand in history, delving deeper into the events of humanity’s past. Thus, we are eclectic in our homeschool approach and base many of our studies in real books.

I’ve attended many conventions since I began homeschooling in 1999. Each time I come home encouraged to have been around so many homeschoolers from around Pennsylvania and elsewhere. It is often at a convention that I find courage and strength and motivation for yet another year. It is also often where I have gotten to know those from our local support group a little bit better, those years when a group of us are able to travel and room together. Those deepened relationships, with that extra time spent together, provide local friendships and encouragement when the winter doldrums set in. Or maybe it could be that weekend away you and your spouse need to not only talk about your children’s education, but also get some quiet time AWAY from the children.

So, make plans now to attend this spring’s CHAP Convention. Returning to our traditional CHAP Convention date of Mother’s Day weekend, this year’s convention will be held on May 12–13, 2023, at the York Expo Center. The theme will be “Teach me Your Way, O Lord, and lead me in a level path” (Psalm 27:11). We hope to see you there!

Laura Musser is a wife, seasoned homeschooling and foster mama to many, and Gramma. In the midst of life’s storms, she tries to remember to seek His peace and rest. She is an avid book collector and loves seeing God’s Sovereign hand in history while reading a real book.