On center stage this month are students in our PA homeschool community!

(Click on each image to enlarge)

Butterflies by Ava, age 8, Leah, age 3, and Allie, age 5.

Knocking Dogs by Hope, age 9.

White House by Ellis, age 7.

House by William, age 10.

Plants and Bugs by Maeve, age 5.

Eilis by Saoirse, age 11.

Clay Figures by Mikey, age 7 and Amy, age 3.

Cat Mask created by Freeman, Age 6.

Deer drawn by Freeman, Age 6.

Nature Journal Entry by Rebekah, Age 10.

Want to be on Center Stage?

Did you miss the call for submissions, but would love for your child’s creativity to be showcased? Make sure you read your emails from CHAP so you don’t miss the next open submission date.