What a terrible week. No one likes their schoolwork. It takes all day. I can’t get a meal on the table. Laundry is piled on the floor. I’ve been a frustrated, mean mom all week. Why did I ever decide to homeschool? How can I possibly continue? Maybe I should quit…

Ever have those thoughts? Many homeschool moms and dads have. How did you get through it? Do you just grit your teeth and dig in your heels? Lament to a friend? Get some guidance and encouragement from a mentor?

Mentors can be key players to a family’s homeschool journey. Sometimes the deciding factor in a family’s choice to continue homeschooling is the simple, sincere encouragement from another person who has been there and gotten through it!

Every homeschool family has its own unique journey, yet there are many similar situations among families. Your homeschool journey has equipped you to encourage others in their homeschool journeys. If you’ve been homeschooling more than a few years, you have experience that qualifies you to mentor others.

If you’ve ever had a mentor, you know how helpful and even life-changing it can be to have someone encourage you. Now it is your turn! If you have homeschool experience, you have something to offer a mom (or dad) in need of a boost. You can be a mentor who encourages others!

CHAP is building a mentor network to support homeschool families who need encouragement.

Still not sure you can do the mentor thing? Here are five common objections and responses to them:

  1. I don’t know enough – I’m not able to support others.

→If you are homeschooling, you know enough to share from your experiences.

  1. I don’t have the time.

→CHAP mentorship is based upon your availability. You set your own schedule and decide how many mentees you want to have.

  1. I’m not local to anyone.

→You can mentor via text, email, or zoom.

  1. I’m not tech savvy – I can’t do all that online stuff.

→You can meet at a coffeehouse, library, or diner.

  1. I don’t have training on being a coach or a counselor.

→Mentors are not coaches or counselors. They are friends who offer an encouraging word spoken out of their own experience.

So, how about it? Would you be willing to chat with a fellow homeschooling parent who needs encouragement? Do you already find yourself encouraging others going through challenging times? Then you are already a mentor! Join the CHAP Mentor Network where you can encourage, support, and  connect with homeschool families in Pennsylvania.

With a large, robust network of mentors, we can bless many families in their choice to homeschool. How wonderful to know that your kind, encouraging words have enabled someone else to continue the life-changing journey of homeschool.

Be a blessing to others. Join the CHAP mentor network.

Sign up at http://chaponline.com/mentors/.