Why do you homeschool? Is it a biblical conviction from the day you first found out you would be a parent? Is it a result of Covid? Is it fear of violence in the schools or the thought that you can do a better job than the experts?

Whatever the reason, many homeschool families are excited to learn nuances and details that were overlooked in the education they received as young people. And homeschoolers tend to find more engaging methods to study subjects like history and civics, moving beyond endless lists of dates and dry facts. Many strive to raise children who are true patriots.

We are blessed beyond measure to have the freedom to homeschool. Relatively speaking, it hasn’t been that many years since laws were passed guaranteeing educational freedom in all fifty states. And if we don’t remain vigilant, that freedom could itself be lost. That vigilance comes through civic engagement, voting, becoming an informed electorate, and educating ourselves and our children about our history and our founding principles.

Scripture does command us to pray for those in authority over us, but it does not guarantee us the blessing of this freedom we presently enjoy, and many of Scripture’s faithful, like Daniel and Joseph, faced opposition in the cultures in which they lived. Yet for now God has shown us mercy in this regard. We have been graciously granted religious and educational freedom in our American experiment, and we dare not take it for granted. In His sovereignty, God has placed us in a land that operates within the bounds of a voting citizenship.

How can we learn alongside our children about our founding fathers and the vision they had for our country? Your family can start by joining us for this year’s CHAP Convention where our keynote speaker, Rick Green, a former Texas State Representative, will offer two main sessions and six workshops. Topics covered include leadership, communication skills, teaching civics, and more.

Rick and his wife, Kara, are the founders of Patriot Academy—a leadership training program that specializes in applied civics. As a dad and grandfather, Rick understands the need to relate to our students in a fun yet memorable way. Rick’s family also produced Chasing American Legends, an entertaining reality show, traveling with comedian Brad Stine as they investigate history’s mysteries and the American story. Rick and his family travel the nation bringing America’s forgotten history and heroes to life in fun and entertaining ways, with an emphasis on our moral and constitutional heritage.

Rick is also an author and the executive producer of Constitution Alive, America’s most engaging and entertaining study of the United States Constitution, as well as Biblical Citizenship in Modern America, biblical instruction for a free people.

Make plans now to attend this spring’s CHAP convention. Returning to our traditional CHAP convention date of Mother’s Day weekend, this year’s convention will be held on May 12 -13, 2023, at the York Expo Center. The theme will be “Teach me Your Way, O Lord, and lead me in a level path” (Psalm 27:11). We hope to see you there!

Laura Musser is a wife, seasoned homeschooling and foster mama to many, and Gramma. In the midst of life’s storms, she tries to remember to seek His peace and rest. She is an avid book collector and loves seeing God’s Sovereign hand in history while reading a real book.