We have a heart for homeschoolers, because we are homeschoolers too!
And so, it is our mission to help equip, connect, encourage, and protect those interested in homeschooling.
While CHAP has hosted an annual convention with awesome speakers for 30+ years, CHAP is here to help you for more than just 2 days a year.
Stick With CHAP all year long and receive timely help, resources, and encouragement.
CHAP Convention Recordings
You can purchase any recorded talk from 2013-2024 at Alliance Recordings.

At Alliance Recordings select your MP3 from the 2024 CHAP Convention “Coming Together to Equip, to Encourage, to Endure”

At Alliance Recordings select your MP3 from the 2023 CHAP Convention “Teach me Your Way, O Lord.”

At Alliance Recordings select your MP3 from the 2022 CHAP Convention “Do Not Fear, I will Help You”
Hear what others have to say about the speakers:
The dynamic speakers have encouraged me as a mom, wife and offered a wealth of wisdom and inspiration to me.
Each year, the speakers have spoken on topics that meet us right on the path where we are, and I feel as if they could read my mind.
I found encouragement and an “I can do it” attitude from the speakers. I really appreciated that because it seemed I wasn’t getting any real support anywhere else.
CHAP has been a blessing to my family through the encouraging speakers.
I was looking for help in homeschooling a high schooler and a child with ADD at the time. I found information that I needed and could use at home to make homeschooling easier and less overwhelming.
The speakers has been like a pep rally for us to keep us on the path.
Spiritually, listening to the speakers have helped to strengthen my faith and my commitment to homeschooling.
I listened to speakers address exactly what I needed to finish out my school year or begin the coming year. I’ve had encouragement to persevere through the high school years and guidance to do that.
I have been blessed by the many speakers and resources available.
I was once again encouraged & inspired by the speakers as well as renewed in why I homeschool.
The speakers were encouraging, enlightening, convicting…
Once more, God used the speakers to sand a few more rough edges off of me
Great speakers and I got recharged and encouraged.