Why We Homeschool
Dear CHAP, Thank you for your dedication to homeschoolers and homeschooling! There have been many times I questioned if the next year would be my last year for homeschooling. I now no longer question; [...]
Dear CHAP, Thank you for your dedication to homeschoolers and homeschooling! There have been many times I questioned if the next year would be my last year for homeschooling. I now no longer question; [...]
By now, you might think (thanks to the bias of the internet) that every single one of my homeschool field trips is a smashing success. A magical memory. An internet illusion. So, to dispel [...]
She was crying again. This time it was about spelling. Last time, it was about math. Before that, it was about writing. It’s always something with her. Her emotions are always at the surface, [...]
I’ve recently taken an interest in the post-exilic prophets. It is both a saddening and encouraging time in the history of God’s people. A passage from Nehemiah struck me particularly as it applies to [...]
“You shall love Yahweh your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You [...]