CHAP Scholarship Application Essay

By Seth Allen Lanford, Second Place Winner, Leigh A. Genasevich Scholarship

As the audience applauded, I walked back to my seat from the drum cage in which I had just performed my first big solo. Just a few minutes before, I was reluctant to play in front of so many people. I hated performing. Even playing for family members was outside my comfort zone, but now something had changed. I plopped happily in my chair, and while the audience waited for the next student in the recital to begin their performance, I leaned over to my mom and whispered, “I need a band.” I was in fifth grade when that homeschool co-op recital took place, and little did I know what was coming in the years ahead. All throughout my life, God has been faithful to lead me in His plan and provide in His perfect timing. Let me go back to the beginning to show how this is true.

My story really begins with family. I have had wonderful relationships that have only grown stronger through the years with my loving father, mother and older sister. Being the youngest, I have a lot to look up to, but they have always been right beside me in life’s struggles. I came to believe in Christ as LORD and Savior on December 19th, 2011, when my dad was reading the account of Christ’s birth. I decided that day I wanted to receive the gift that God gave: His only Son who willingly died in my place so that I may live. I was baptized five years later on March 6th, 2016, and I have been growing in understanding ever since then from prayer, reading God’s Word and guidance from those around me, including my family.

Another testimony of God’s provision in my life was our family’s introduction to homeschooling. It was a mercy of God that my parents did not have the money required to send me and my sister to a private Christian school. A member from our church recommended homeschooling, something we didn’t know existed, and to attend the CHAP Convention. From the Convention, my parents caught the vision for home education. I have been homeschooled from kindergarten through high school, and I have never regretted a minute of it. God has provided everything my family has needed from resources to co-ops and private teachers.

Homeschooling has done a number of good things for me. It has developed my character and taught me the importance of learning. It has sparked in me a passion for truth, righteousness and wisdom. It has given me the ability to bond with my family and other Christian homeschoolers. Because of homeschooling, I have learned diligence and excellence which has led to my academic success in the form of a perfect GPA and being able to graduate a year early. It has also given me time to discover and develop skills and passions in playing percussion, composing music and writing fiction. Overall, homeschooling has strengthened my faith in God and has established biblical principles and spiritual habits in my daily life. My education has been based on real life experiences, and that is something truly invaluable.

The flexibility of home education has allowed many music opportunities, which is another way God has directed my life. The opportunity I have valued most in my music life has been my experience at The Lancaster Academy for the Performing Arts (LAPA.) At LAPA, I have had the experiences of playing in musical pit orchestras, performing and conducting percussion ensemble pieces that I composed, and being the section leader of the percussion section in the orchestra. As section leader, I have had the privileges of assigning parts, giving instruction to fellow percussionists, and communicating with our director. Another opportunity I have valued highly has been playing percussion for Calvary Church’s orchestra. Although Calvary is not my home church, they heard of me by word-of-mouth and sought me out. I was also asked to play the glockenspiel in John Rutter’s Requiem, and more recently, the timpani for Rutter’s Gloria at Westminster Presbyterian Church. Other experiences I have had include serving with my family in church praise teams and playing for local community bands. These community bands are a valuable tradition for many people, especially among the elderly who have come to the concerts all their lives, so it has been a blessing to serve as part of that tradition.

This brings me back to the present. I have seen how God has been faithful in my life to always provide the next step, and I believe He is still doing it today. Currently, the “next step” has brought me to Lancaster Bible College where I have been accepted into their music, worship and performing arts program. My ambition is to acquire a BS in Music with degrees in Music Performance: Composition and Biblical Studies. My heart is to create inspiring music that glorifies God and encourages others to do the same. Does this mean music will be my career? I don’t know, but right now I feel called to use my gifts as a service, and I want to expand my capabilities in those gifts in order to best accomplish that calling. This is why I want to attend at LBC: to study music in a method and an environment that honors my Creator and Savior. I am also considering apprenticing in a trade, for it is also my desire to work and provide for my future family. Ultimately, I do not know what lies ahead, but I am confident that God will do what is right and that He will provide. That is what He has always done and continues to do today.

Details and information on the 2025 CHAP Scholarship should be available early next year by visiting and/or subscribing to CHAP E-News.